Get to Know Our Community.
Who Are We?
Our congregation is part of the Presbyterian Church (USA), a Christian denomination with over 200 years of presence in the United States. Our roots trace back to the Protestant Reformation movements of the 16th century in Western Europe.
Our Identity: A Living Community
As mentioned in Book of Order F-1.0301, “The Church is the body of Christ.” We are not simply a building, but a dynamic and active community that strives to live out the gifts Christ has given us:
- Community of Faith: We entrust ourselves to God, even at the risk of our lives.
- Community of Hope: We rejoice in the certainty that God is creating something new in Christ.
- Community of Love: We promote forgiveness, reconciliation and break down barriers of hostility.
- Community of Testimony: Through our words and actions, we point out the good news of God's transforming grace in Jesus Christ.
Democratic Government and Equal Participation
The Presbyterian Church (USA) is governed by principles of representative democracy. Our happiness chooses its leadership, composed of:
- Teaching Priest (Pastor): Spiritual leader and guide of the community.
- Ruling Priests (Elders): Leaders chosen to govern and make decisions in the congregation.
- Deacons and Deaconesses: Those in charge of service and help ministries.
In our church, men and women participate equally in all ministries.
Proclamation of the Gospel
We share the message of Jesus Christ, bringing the good news of salvation to all.
Protection and Education
we offer a safe haven and educational programs that nourish the spirit and mind.
Divine Worship
We maintain a sacred space for communal and personal worship.
Preservation of the Truth
We uphold integrity and divine wisdom in our teachings and actions.
Social Justice
We advocate for the rights and dignity of all people, working for a more just world.
Manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven
We aspire to be a living manifestation of the kingdom of heaven on earth, showing the love of God in our lives and in the world.
Foundation and Leadership Our congregation was organized on March 2, 1958 under the leadership of Rev. Ernesto Sosa, with the purpose of serving the growing Hispanic community of Miami. Since then, we have provided services, programs and ministries to the community. Educational Ministry We highlight our educational ministry, especially “La Progresiva Presbyterian School”, founded by Rev. Martín N. Añorga, continuing the vision of the first La Progresiva Presbyterian School in Cárdenas, Cuba. Our Pastors Over more than six decades, we have had four pastors: Rev. Ernesto Sosa (1958-1963) Rev. Martín N. Añorga (1964-1992) Rev. Mardoqueo Muñoz (1993-2009) Rev. José Manuel Capella-Pratts (2011-2021) Our Mission Today In the second decade of the 21st century, we reaffirm our foundations and renew our mission to be faithful witnesses of the gospel and spokespersons for the passionate love of God. We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and members of the Tropical Florida Presbytery.
Convictions of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
The Presbyterian Church (USA) is a confessional church that has expressed its beliefs through historical and modern documents such as creeds, catechisms, confessions, and statements of faith. The oldest documents recognized by our church include the Nicene Creed and the Apostles' Creed. In addition, we have confessions dating back to the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century and more recent documents, such as the Brief Declaration of Faith, approved in 1991, which expresses our faith in a clear and relevant way for the present.
Declaration of Faith of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
I. Our Belonging to God
In life and death, we belong to God. By the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, whom we worship and serve.
II. Our Faith in Jesus Christ
We trust in Jesus Christ, fully God and fully human. Jesus proclaimed the reign of God, preaching good news to the poor, freeing captives, healing the sick, and forgiving sinners. Crucified unjustly, Jesus gave his life for the sins of the world. God raised him from the dead, breaking the power of sin and death.
III. Our Trust in God the Father
We trust in God, whom Jesus called Abba, Father. God created the world and made us in his image. Although we rebel, God acts with justice and mercy to redeem us, always being faithful to his promise.
IV. Our Trust in the Holy Spirit
We trust in the Holy Spirit, who gives and renews life. The Spirit justifies us by grace, unites us as a church, and calls us to serve in all ministries. He gives us courage to pray, witness, and work for justice, freedom, and peace.
V. Hope in the Love of God
We trust that nothing in life or death can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.
VI. Glory to God
Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Faith of the Reformed Tradition

The Presbyterian Church (USA) expresses the faith of the Reformed Tradition, centered on the majesty, holiness and providence of God. We affirm the sovereignty of God in the creation, sustenance, government and redemption of the world. Other central themes include:
Election for Service and Salvation
God chooses his people to serve and be saved.Covenant Life
We live in covenant, following the Word of God with discipline and order in the church.Faithful Stewardship
We practice responsible stewardship, avoiding ostentation and correctly using God's gifts.Transformation of Society
We recognize the human tendency towards idolatry and tyranny, working for justice and the transformation of society in obedience to God.